Monday, October 22, 2007


Well, I'm back from my "5 days in paradise"...(I'll post pictures of that later). Mark deserves the "Dad of the Year" award and spoiled them all rotten while I was gone. All that Garrett and Em wanted to do this morning was play with mom. I made some play dough and this is one of our creations:

Funny little men...

My little partners!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Jordan came to Mark and I last week and asked if we would buy him a lizard. Mark wasn’t thrilled, but eventually I persuaded him (they’re only going to be little once! J). Monday night for family night we ventured to the local Petsmart. Jordan and Nick pooled their money and donated $85 dollars to the cause. We donated to the rest of the cause. Needless to say – we had no idea what we were getting into. . .

Spike is now an official member of our family. He is sooo cute! He is living the lizard life of luxury – He get’s fed collard greens and mustard greens in the morning, get’s misted at noon and receives little ALIVE baby crickets dusted with vitamins each evening. His cage is at a constant warm temperature during the day and cool at night! WHO KNEW!!!
It has been an experience, but we are all enjoying him so much! Mark is the funniest because he worries about him as much as the rest of us!

Spike sleeping...what a life!

Setting up his terrarium. – oh the things we do to make our children happy! :) I really do love Spike!