Friday, August 29, 2008

Houston...we have a problem....



Yes...we have a bit of a problem at our house...we are divided :)! Don't know how

we're going to make it the next 3 months....good thing we love each other!!! Even little Garrett tells me every day who HE'S going to vote for! (I haven't had the heart to tell him he has to wait another 13 years.) It makes our nightly dinner conversations a little bit more exciting than "What's the best part of your day?..." We are a household full of strong opinions that's for sure! (Go Obama!!!) oops.....


Agnes said...

We all know that Mark is a closet Obama fan and that he has windmill magazines under is bed and has a secret plan to sell his truck and buy a hybrid!


Jill said... weren't supposed to tell anyone!!!;)

Unknown said...

Jill, that is hillarious. Don't bring up being an Obama fan to Danjee unless you want an earfull. I hear him say something against him everyday. We are definitely limited in our options this voting term. Could get discouraging if we didn't know that it was supposed to be this way in the last days, eh?