Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Lunch Time Funny!
Today at lunch, both Emily and Garrett asked for milk. After a few minutes, Em changed her mind and told me she wanted water instead. I walked over and told her that she needed milk to help her bones grow healthy and strong. Garrett proceeded to tell her that if she drank her milk, her boobs and her head would grow big (as he cupped his hands in front of her chest). Hmmmm...maybe I didn't drink enough milk as a kid!


Kendra said...

Hehe...too funny! I try to talk my kids into water instead of milk! Milk...sick!!! I'll drink it with a big slice of CHOCOLATE cake if I have to!:)

Sara & Saylor said...

HAHAHA I can totally picture Garrett saying that! He is so funny! Love ya!

Jody said...

You wonder sometimes where they get their reasoning. I assume the words "milk" and "boobs" are realated to 4 year olds! Do you think they remember nursing....? :o)

Dave & Chels said...

I'm with you Jill - maybe I should have drank more milk growing up! Your kids are great. Very entertaining!