A Monumental Event...
Yes, it truly is monumental! For the first time in 11 1/2 years, we took our crib down! For weeks this is what I've been hearing:
"Mommy, I need a big dirl bed like Jessa's!"
"Mommy, Daddy needs to get me a big dirl bed!"
"Mommy, can I pllllleeeeasssee have a big dirl bed!"
"Mommy, when is Daddy bringing home my big dirl bed?"
So finally, we ordered a new bunk bed for Jess and Em. Unfortunately, I didn't want to hear the begging and pleading for another 8 weeks until it arrived. So, Mark picked up a new mattress and brought Em home her "big dirl bed!" She's happy, and we're happy. She's doing great in it and makes a point to tell everyone she comes in contact with that she has a "big dirl bed with no sides."
The first night that she slept in her bed, I found her like this:
Back in bed...without waking up...gotta love falling off the bed 2 inches onto a very soft princess pillow!
Tucked back in! Night Emmy!
1 comment:
I can't wait until that day! That and no more diapers.....EVER! (we should throw a party....)
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