Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Our ward has a wonderful garden that we can help ourselves to at harvest time!  Well, Alicia brought home a huge garbage bag full of carrots and here we are, sitting in the driveway trimming them up!  They were delicious and the kids had a great time munching on them! 

Today, I canned 10 pints of carrots!  I wanted to use them and decided that I could bottle them up and use them for soups, stews, carrot muffins, cakes, etc!  They turned out perfect and we're headed out there Friday  morning to harvest some more!  They also have a ton of snap peas ready...any ideas????


Beth said...

That's so cool! I wish we had a ward garden. How does it work? Does everybody have to donate a certain amount of time?

Sheila said...

I haven't been checking your blog! Those are a great bunch of carrots! I was canning carrots the night before Beth was born. Brings back memories. She was raised on mushed up carrots... funny!

Unknown said...

What??? How does a ward garden work? LUCKY!!!!